Hi, my name is Kenneth, and I live in Austin, Texas.
I am a |
with a great passion for TypeScript and UI & software technologies.

Cartoon avatar of Kenneth Onuorah

a little bit About Me...

I was born and raised in Austin, Texas. I attended Austin Community College for two years, where I earned my Associates in Computer Science.

I am mainly fluent in HTML, CSS/SCSS, TypeScript, and JavaScript, along with some experience with Python. I typically work with React.js and Next.js for web & software development.

Apart from coding, some other hobbies that I enjoy include...
  • Reading books 🤓📚
  • Playing video games 🎮 (currently playing Elden Ring ⚔️)
  • Learning to play guitar 🤔🎸
Levitating .gif of a laptop

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