
Some projects I developed in the past
Image of "Crypto Market Tracker" project
Crypto Market Tracker

A web application that tracks and analyzes the cryptocurrency market in realtime. Made with React.js, Redux, React-Router, ApexCharts, and CoinGecko API.

Image of "Blog" project

A personal blog website; made w/ Next.js, TailwindCSS, and Markdown-to-JSX, Front-Matter, and Highlight.js libraries. Visit Demo

Image of "WikiFind" project

A web app that returns Wikipedia data based on a given search query; built w/ Next.js, TailwindCSS, and the MediaWiki API.

Image of "Tunes" project

A Spotify-esque, local music-player web application created w/ React.js, Redux.js, and the LocalForage library. Visit Demo

Image of "Weather Reporter" project
Weather Reporter

A web application that reports weather and temperature forecasts based on a given location. Made with React.js, Redux, React-Router, and Geocode & Open-Meteo APIs. Visit Demo

Image of "Errands & Todos" project
Errands & Todos

An task management web application; built with React.js and the JSON-Server library.